Published Works




A Far Country Here, Wipf and Stock, USA 2021

Heights and Depths, Wipf and Stock, USA 2021

The Parthenon, Wipf and Stock, USA 2019

Imago Dei: Man/Woman Created in the Image of God, Wipf and Stock, USA 2019

Love Poems for my Wife, Victoria. Olympia Publishers, UK, 2019.

Faces of Memory, Olympia Publishers, UK 2017

#Nous Sommes Paris.  Poem: “Surely It Is No Time for Poetry”.  An Eyewear Special Edition.  Eyewear Publishing, UK, 2016.

Rumours of Hope.  Piquant Editions, UK, 2005.

Forgotten Genocides of the 20th Century.  A collective volume (seven poems by George Hobson).  Taderon Press, Garod Books, UK, 2005.


Crux.  RegentCollege, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Ekphrasis.  Frith Press, Sacramento, CA, USA.


The Bridport International Poetry Competition, Second Prize, 1995.  Poem: Sun-Patch.


The Episcopal Church, Homosexuality, and the Context of Technology.  Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene OR, USA, 2013.

Chrétiens d’aujourd’hui et de demain.  Colloque.  Éditions du Ver Luisant, Brive, France, 2013.

La Guérison Intérieure.  Éditions Théodote, Brive, France, 2015.

Imago Dei: Man/Woman Created in the Image of God, Wipf and Stock, USA 2019. 

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